Thursday, January 20, 2011


we went and looked at a house today that is perfect and the lady that owns it loves animals and is totally fine with us having pets! I've signed a 2 year lease and already have the keys. we can move stuff over as the week goes by. 3 weeks it took. that is so fabulous. we've had it take 4 months to find a place before...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Jan 13th.

it snowed and snowed and snowed yesterday then we had to shovel and shovel. we didn't shovel the last time it snowed so there was a lot of ice under the new snow.
Today, it rained. Now it's really slippery. seriously watch your step out there!
I'm not the happiest camper in the bunch these days. we have to move. the landlords daughter wants to live in the house so we have until June 1st to move. the pets make it harder to find a place. sighs...
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