Tuesday, June 1, 2010

sun please!

I know I'm not a very good blogger. There are always huge gaps between my entries.. I can blame it on the weather. It was quite nice out and I got the veggie garden planted for the most part. 

The last few days have been really rainy but it worked out great as then we didn't have to water the seeds in, nature did it for us.  I still have to go to my best friends house and plant the onion sets. We were away for a couple days and I was able to finally buy some as our town seems to be completely out of onions to grow. Seed potatoes of all kinds are also very hard to find. Spring came early here and everyone went shopping...

Our peonies are just starting to bloom...

Our lilacs are nearly finished..

new friends are found..

baby peaches are started...

small pine trees are brought home from school...

the sun tried to peek from behind the clouds.. I'm really hoping for some sunny days as I'm now tired of the rain.

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